H2O Canoe Company Solo Series Canoes are designed to be light and efficient for solo paddling, with modern construction and performance.
Solo Series Canoes are available in Flax, Innegra Basalt, co-mingle Innegra Basalt, Kevlar, Carbon Kevlar Carbon Innegra or Carbon Fiber. Red, Green, or Blue colour finish is available as an optional add-on for all finishes except black Carbon Fiber.
H2O Canoe Company Solo 14-6 is an excellent choice for a variety of paddlers. Initial and secondary stability is great, tracking true and so light. Portaging is accomplished with ease, using an optional detachable yoke. The Solo 14-6 has outfitting companies renting them as they are very predictable. Individuals adore them for their versatility including day tripping or longer, birding, fishing or simply pleasure cruising. An optional adjustable foot brace adds variety and strength to paddling positions.
Length 14’6″
Max Width 30″
Waterline Width 29″
Height – Bow / Centre / Stern 17″ / 12″ / 15″
Optimum Load 120-280lbs
Max Load 400lbs
The H2O Canoe Company Solo 16-6 is a favourite Solo Canoe of so many. To glide with ease and understand the term efficiency this canoe is the example. The Solo 16-6 will hold a line, shed wake and resist cross winds effect with a long waterline, minimal rocker, and low sheer line. Setup the Solo 16-6 with an adjustable foot brace and detachable yoke for limitless solo paddling.
Length 16’6″
Max Width 31″
Waterline Width 29.5″
Height – Bow / Centre / Stern 18″ / 12.5″ / 16″
Optimum Load 120-325lbs
Max Load 475lbs
The Dual 16-5 serves dual purpose. The Dual is an enjoyable tandem canoe with a capable solo setup as a bonus. The Dual suits paddlers who have room and budget for one canoe but require the variety of two. The Dual is a tandem typical hull shape with an aggressively turned in freeboard. This turn in provides a comfortable solo paddling position in the centre of the canoe, balanced properly for weight distribution. The overall canoe width has excellent stability for solo and adequate volume for tandem paddlers. Standard setup is with a sliding bow seat, centre seat and stern seat. Optional is a foot brace for the solo position and a detachable yoke for the most versatility.
Length 16’5″
Max Width 34.5″
Waterline Width 32″
Height – Bow / Centre / Stern 19″ / 13″ / 18″
Optimum Load 160-400lbs
Max Load 850lbs
Prospector 14-10 Solo is every bit a Prospector style hull with a unique, aggressive freeboard turn in. Reducing the width of the center paddling station allows ease of paddling single or double blade style as reaching over the sides is simplified. The Prospector 14-10 is a typical depth for a solo canoe but more voluminous than our asymmetrical 14-6 or 16-6 options, giving excellent initial stability and tandem like capacity.
Length 14’10”
Max Width 33″
Waterline Width 30″
Height – Bow / Centre / Stern 19″ / 12.5″ / 19″
Optimum Load 150-350lbs
Max Load 650lbs
The Kruger 15 Solo has similar lines to the Kruger 16 which is a Chestnut Canoe Company replica model. The 15 didn’t need to be altered much from the 16 as the Kruger 16 Solos nicely as it is. The Solo 15 Kruger however has been dramatically turned in on the freeboard to provide ample space for hands over gunwale as well providing opportunity for comfortable double blade paddling. Lowered to a typical Solo depth, it is dedicated to Solo paddling with a center seat position,. The Kruger 15 Solo is an efficient & quick Heritage style symmetrical Solo option. Comparing with the Prospector Solo 14-10 in look & size, the Prospector is most utilitarian and the Kruger quick and exciting.
Length 15′4”
Max Width 33″
Waterline Width 31″
Height – Bow / Centre / Stern 19″ / 12.5″ / 19″
Optimum Load 150-350lbs
Max Load 650lbs